Tuesday, April 18, 2006


Ah.. Here comes the final one. This poster made me learn Photoshop very deeply. Jus becoz there was a lot of expectations for the final poster. Thank God! It came out well. Here too inferences.. But this time everyone understood it. That CSE is red color made ppl understand tat it's from Computer Science Department! And those very small 'Freshers party' too caught attention! 'BITZKRIEG' was the result of combining the famous Blitzkrieg (lightning attack) with bits (for computers)! And that Thursday.. oops.. 'thirst' day served the purpose effectively (credits to Varun!).

And the story of '
The inCredibleS' and 'Finding Nemo'.. This had its incarnation here when someone shouted from the group while dicussing. Actually this poster was more a collective work than a single man's. Everyone contributed a new idea. I merely implemented it.

Setting up ICONS...

The next good one was this! This poster informed our progress in hosting the party. I really worked hard for it. Setting up ICONS..' denoted that we are nearing the D day. Actually this was planned to be pasted all over the University one week before the event! Again inferences... The CSE logo was too clear for everyone to understand! But.. ipch.. nothing came out jus becoz that red color did not come out well in the print. :(


This is the first poster I designed for Bitzkrieg.. Fresher's party! It really came out well. Got a good reputation. The idea of adding the word 'Loading...' got stuck somehow! This was jus to inform everyone that we ppl are going to host a Freshers party. It had more to infer than to say explicitly. Like the words.. Loading, binary @ttack .. This one started my career as a poster designer and is still continuing....

First logo

This is the first photo that I designed representing Computer Science and Engineering.
Jus started to design something regarding computers. Thought 'Mouse' would serve the purpose. It ended up here. This was used during our Fresher's party finally.

Monday, April 17, 2006

My Photo

Adding my sexy, cool, handsome photo... (ah.. oh.. no.. my room's glass panes are breaking.. )

Who am I..

Who am I??

Hi ppl, this is Sriram,a new pixel entering the blogging community. I'm doing my Third year (oops.. jus now my end sem got over, so FY) B.E. Computer Science and Engineering at College of Engineering, Guindy, Anna University, India. I'm basically from Madurai (thambi.. inga paechukkellaam idam illai.. orey veechu thaan!! jaakkirathai!!) .

Birth and Schooling

June 25.. Important day for India! I don't mean the day when Kapil Dev and his team won India's one and only world cup. It was the day this friendly, funny (mokkai.. at times), hard working( but hardly working), sincere and also lethargic, lazy, sluggish, procrastinating guy entered this world.

Then this 'Ram' had his 'vana vaasam' for 14 years at S.B.O.A. Mat. Hr. Sec. School. Got some recognition for my michievous behavior there. Then entered this college 3 years back and heading towards the final year...


I live by Kal Ho Na Ho's principle, "Aaj kaeliye Jiyo! Kush Ho! Mushkurao!! kya pathaa.. Kal Ho Na Ho". Yes, I live for the moment to the maximum happiest extent possible.

Relationships are easy too easy to build.. but too hard to preserve!! This is what life has taught me so far. I value relationships a lot. Be it love or friendship! I care for my friends a lot, do them what they say, ask, need, ... It's really a great feeling to know that there's someone caring for us! But this happens only when we care for others?!

Girls.. No comments. (am a bit misogynist! i don't say girls are bad.. they are really too good to resist.. i say i hate girls!!)


I like programming a lot! As my friend has once quoted, "Aal paathi.. Comp paathi.." is the best way to describe me. I used to sit and explore each and every software a lot.

I have a deep passion for Multimedia designing. I've designed a lot of posters, logos, fonts... I used to spend my time by doing a lot of researches with Flash and Photoshop. That made me do all those stuffs. My designs have won several competitions. Myself and Varun (my close friends) are being known in our college only because of this...

I do pencil sketching. I used to spend my boring class hours effectively by this. To be particular, they are jus doodles. Hardly one or two clicks which finally enters my comp as a new logo or font or ...

(well, think it's too much for a first blog! will continue later on some other topic!!)